Poem: I am going far, somewhere

My beloved!
Don't seek me in smile of lips
Twinkle of eyes
Dreams of love
In this colorful selfish world
I am going far, somewhere
To pursuit the mystery of me being alive.

I am dissolving
Every outcome till date
I am destroying
All the dreams that I made
Magnificent castles
I am going far, somewhere
To pursuit the mystery of me being alive.

I am going far somewhere
To start new journey
From zero I am starting
You know that
Thousand miles Journey
Starts from Zero.

When I return,
I will come with new definition of life
With new basis for the future
With new rays of hope
Bring happiness as tall as Sagarmatha
Answer to the mystery of me being alive.
Poem: I am going far, somewhere Poem: I am going far, somewhere Reviewed by Swopnil Sansar on 7:58 PM Rating: 5

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